Knowsley gets results

Knowsley gets results

Knowsley gets results
The best starting point in bringing the benefit of Rob’s experience to your firm is an initial free chat on the phone with one or more principals, to get a good handle on the challenges facing you..
The Legal Profession is still utterly beset with old management paradigms that guarantee many firms very poor levels of productivity, huge waste, and generally very low true profits…
Partners often work too hard, suffer too much stress, and have far too much capital invested, for the relatively paltry returns they generate…and operating this way severely limits their succession options and the value partners receive for their interests when they wish to sell down…
Rob Knowsley’s 48 years experience since qualifying as a Lawyer, involving working in, managing, or advising over 1385 law firms in Australasia, has given him the in-depth knowledge to develop, and extensively test, vastly better ways of doing things, with thousands of lawyers and other law firm staff…
KMSWorkPlans™ ensure planning of production potential is done professionally and fully adapted to every individual…and KMSFeedBackReports™ ensure team members and management get regular high quality information on how all important areas of productivity and working capital management are tracking…both these KMS management systems guaranteeing far better productivity and cash availability than Profession averages, without any compromise in reasonable work-life balance…
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