Seldom does a month go by without multiple commentators telling us that there are big changes coming for our small-medium law firms “in the future”, with dire warnings for those who do not change and adapt. In these Forums Rob Knowsley will work with attendees to get an handle on...
Small and Medium Law Firms…Where To Now For Your Business Management?
Small and Medium Law Firms…Where To Now For Your Business Management? Practice Management & Business Skills This paper was delivered at a Legalwise Seminar- “10 Points in One Day” in Canberra on Thursday 13 March 2014. The pace of change in the Australian legal landscape continues to be rapid, and...
Effective Human Capital Utilisation
Rob Knowsley looks at how an effective work plan can maximise profits NZLawyer Magazine Issue 207, 3 May 2013 This is the second in a series of three articles looking at maximising law firm profit. The first, in issue 206 of NZLawyer dealt with maximising succession options and practice value....
Retaining good legal professional staff explained…
There is no doubt that generally people are more "mobile' these days, so any legal practice that is so fragile that it cannot handle reasonable staff turnover has real problems. Let's be clear though, the issue isn't losing people...all firms do that, and some you should want to lose! The...