Seldom does a month go by without multiple commentators telling us that there are big changes coming for our small-medium law firms “in the future”, with dire warnings for those who do not change and adapt. In these Forums Rob Knowsley will work with attendees to get an handle on...
There’s Billable Time and then there’s KMSClientTime™…
“What Billable Hours should your employed lawyers be doing annually?”…with its myriad variations, a very typical phrase popped into search engines by thousands of lawyers a year around the world. It certainly gets interested lawyers to my website and blog, unless I’m drastically misreading Google Analytics. In the last few...
Who Is Paying For The Valueless Time In Your Small-Medium Law Firm?
Who Is Paying For The Valueless Time In Your Small-Medium Law Firm? There is a wide range of challenges out there, but, in my considered opinion, valueless time is the biggest challenge that small-medium law firms face by far… LinkedIn member Joe Reevy made a comment about valueless time in...
Retaining good legal professional staff explained…
There is no doubt that generally people are more "mobile' these days, so any legal practice that is so fragile that it cannot handle reasonable staff turnover has real problems. Let's be clear though, the issue isn't losing people...all firms do that, and some you should want to lose! The...